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Friday, August 27, 2010

Where We Stand

It is a firm reality that New Zealand's population is aging. The challenge is not in changing this, but adapting to it, as it is already happening as a natural result of changing population demographics. Factors such as declining fertility rates (McDonald & Kippen, 2000), rising life expectancy and the follow on effect of the post war ‘baby boom’ from 1945 – 1963 (Daniels, 1988) all contribute to this change.

The challenge is managing and accommodating the aging population. The New Zealand government has already begun this process, through initiatives such as; the Health of older people strategy, kiwisaver and the recruitment and retention of qualified health workers - including occupational therapists. The aim of these changes enacted by the government is to have a positive and stimulatory effect on New Zealand as a nation, even as the proportion of younger people declines.

To put the aging population in perspective, the New Zealand government has predicted that by the late 2030’s, over 25% of all New Zealanders will be 65 years of age and over, compared with 12% in 2005 (Statistics New Zealand, 2006).

What are the challenges and implications of this for occupational therapy?
Is the profession safe with this change in population demographics?
What will have to change in the profession to adapt to the aging population?

These questions will be explored in further posts.


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